Saturday, July 20th, 2024

Hello once again, blog readers! I am happy to be posting here once again. As of today, the Blogstuff pages are now online and can be accessed from the main page! Yippee!!

Besides coding for the site, I haven't been up to a whole lot. In fact, most of my day has been spent sitting on the couch I am writing this from right now. I need to get a job. Despite my slothiness, though, I have spent some of the day socializing with my pals! There was some miscommunication happening during our call, but we got past it. Yay for not going crazy by communicating with the outside world!!! I don't know how much Discord calls count, though.

I've been doing some music brainstorming today. In particular, I've been thinking a lot lately about what I'll be doing after I release my debut solo album, Bedroom Pop. The vague idea has been an EP of songs that either didn't fit/weren't ready enough to come out for the album, but the tracklist keeps changing. Right now, the vague list is:

...That's all I can think of, but I'm sure there's something else. I'm HOPING to release BPop sometime in what's left of July, but almost definitely August. I need to lock the FUCK in on this album.

Welp, that's pretty much all I've got on the mind for today. Talk to you soooooooon!!! (goofy_exit_sounds.mp3) (clown_horn.mp3) (car_crash_and_alarm.mp3) (screaming.mp3)

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