Friday, July 26th, 2024(ish)

Well, would you look at the time! It looks like it's some long past overdue (six days) Blog Time! This entry is technically summing up the events of the 25th, but I am writing it on the very early morning of the 26th. Because I am up late. At nearly 5 am. ...I should probably fix my sleep schedule before college starts up.

Some very unfortunate news today, readers. Earlier this week (Monday I think?), my one and only charger for this laptop broke! Since this tragedy, I have been stuck charger-less, rendering my laptop use very low. Luckily, my lovely girlfriend has offered to purchase me a new one (which she will be doing tomorrow/later this morning). Predictably, it's very low on juice right now, so I hope the new charger gets here soon! We're at 26% right now (and it was 32% before I began writing this). Let's hope it lasts me until the end of this entry.

In other news, I have decided to waste more time by rewatching a childhood-teenage favorite of mine, Steven Universe! It was HUGE for me growing up (unknowingly) queer in a weird sheltered rural town (and basically helped my egg crack!), so watching it from an adult perspective is so weird and awesome. Now that I know a lot of the show's influences better and can understand a lot of what went into making it, I feel like I can understand it on a much deeper level. It definitely has its flaws (especially writing-wise as the show went on), and I DEFINITELY don't like some of the actions of the show's creator, it's still really nice to go back all these years and re-appreicate something that formed my existence so thoroughly. Something something porkchops and hot dogs.

And now for the big section of the week: Music Stuff.

(there isn't much)... Besides THIS! It's the latest, greatest entry in my band Peanut, Tree Nut, & Gluten Free's journey to make songs for every mission in Super Mario 64! This is one I did back in May with guitar help from Rose (and sweet cover art by Juno!) Check it out? Please? It's good. I think.

As I briefly mentioned before, college is starting up soon! And by soon I mean like a month. But still soon! I'm going to a super cool LIBERAL ARTS school in a nearby city! I still gotta schedule my courses and do all this orientation stuff and blah blah blah but I'm so excited!!! My next step in eductation begins... INLIKEAMONTHBUTSTILLKINDASOONISH!!!

Well, that's about all I've got for today. My laptop's battery light is now blinking, which means it is getting dangerously low and is kind of freaking me out. Talk to you as soon as I get a new charger! I just hope it doesn't die on me mid sente

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